Are there any specific rules or regulations for college competitions in las vegas, nevada?

The purpose of these policies and regulations is to ensure the effective use and enjoyment of the facilities of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus,. CHAPTER 385B - NEVADA INTERSCHOOL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION NAC 385B, 002 Definitions. (NRS 385B, 060) As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise, the words and terms defined in NAC 385B, 004 to 385B, 056, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections. (NRS 385B, 060) “Board” means the Association's Control Board.

(NRS 385B, 060): “Commissioner” means the Association's Sports Officials Commissioner. (NRS 385B, 060): “Complaint” means a complaint filed with the Association by a school principal or any other person alleging that a school or student, coach, administrator, faculty member or other representative of the school, or a sports official, has violated a provision of this chapter. (NRS 385B, 060): “Executive Director” means the Executive Director of the Association. (NRS 385B, 060): “Game, contest or match” means any competition, including, but not limited to, any event, match, race, round or set, that a school regularly schedules for any of its teams or students participating in a sanctioned sport.

(NRS 385B, 060) “Legislative Commission” means the Legislative Commission of the Association. (NRS 385B, 060): “Magnetic school” means a school established by a school district to create special programs that attract students in the school district to attend magnetic school. (NRS 385B, 060): “Non-association official” means any sports official who is not a member of the Nevada State Officials Association or its successor organization. (NRS 385B, 060): “Participating” means practicing a sanctioned sport as a student starting from the first day of practicing the sanctioned sport established in the Association's calendar of activities for the school year in which that day of practice occurs.

(NRS 385B, 060): “Recruiting” means to exert undue influence on a potential student or to provide or offer an incentive to a potential student by a principal, administrator, faculty member, coach, former student, or other person associated with a school to encourage or attempt to encourage the future student to attend or remain at that school in order to participate in interscholastic activities. (NRS 385B, 060): “Sanctioned sport” means any athletic competition approved by the Association. (NRS 385B, 060) “School” means any affiliated school or member school. (NRS 385B, 060): “Season” means the period during which a sanctioned sport takes place during a school year, beginning on the first day of practice and ending at the end of the state sanctioned sport tournament, as specified in the schedule of activities established by the Association for the school year.

(NRS 385B, 060): “The Spiritual Squad” includes, without limitation, any group of animators, acrobatics, dances, drills, pompoms and mascots from a school, regardless of whether the school allows the group to participate in singing or competing on the sidelines. (NRS 385B, 060): “Sports Official” means any person who serves as a referee, referee, or linesman, or in a similar capacity, in a sanctioned sport, regardless of whether the person is paid for that service. (NRS 385B, 060): “Tournament” means any series of games, contests or meetings scheduled by the Association between member schools or by a school for any of its teams or students participating in a sanctioned sport and that does not exceed 6 consecutive days, except Sundays. (NRS 385B, 060): “Transfer” means the withdrawal of a student from a school in which they are enrolled and the subsequent enrollment of the student in another school.

(NRS 385B, 060): “Attendance Zone” means the region established by a school's board of directors or board of trustees for the assistance of a student enrolled in school. NAC 385B, 102 Purchase of supplies, equipment and services. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 106 Composition; function; non-voting membership; conditions of non-voting members. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 110 Selection of members; vacancies in members; conditions of voting members.

NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 112 President and Vice President. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 116 Regular and Special Meetings. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 140 Composition; voting; policy adoption; meetings. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 142 Restrictions on the authority to modify policies.

NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 144 Compensation of Board or Legislative Commission members or employees while engaging in partnership activities. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 150 Employment; obligations; bond; annual financial statement. NRS 385B, 060) H) Determine student eligibility in accordance with NAC 385B, 700 to 385B, 798, inclusive; O) Organize, monitor and certify sports officials in the manner specified by the Board in accordance with subsection 5 of NAC 385B, 114; B) Unless otherwise provided in NAC 385B, 450, 385B, 454 and 385B, 532, determine a suitable venue and establish a schedule for the holding of the tournament; and NAC 385B, 164 Establishing procedures related to the inventory of tickets for events. (NRS 385B, 060) The Executive Director shall establish or cause a procedure to be established to create, audit and distribute an inventory of all entries used at any event sponsored by the Association.

NAC 385B, 170 Presentation and Notification of the Proposed Amendment to the Regulations. (NRS 385B, 060) A person wishing to propose an amendment to a regulation adopted by the Association must submit the proposed amendment in writing to the Executive Director no less than 45 days before the Board meeting at which the Board will consider the proposed amendment. No less than 10 days before each Board meeting, the Executive Director shall notify each member school of each proposed amendment to a regulation adopted by the Association. NAC 385B, 172 Amendment of the regulations by the Board; submission of the amendment to the Legislative Counsel.

(NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 200 Submission of the application by a Nevada high school or affiliated school. NRS 385B, 060) B) The applicant pays the required annual fees in accordance with NAC 385B, 212; and NAC 385B, 202, private high school. NRS 385B, 060, 385B, 1 NAC 385B, 204 Provisional membership; academic requirements of the student enrolled in school with such membership. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 206 Associate Membership Application.

(NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 208 Approval of the application for associate membership; authority of the high school with associate membership. NRS 385B, 060) B) The applicant pays the required annual fees in accordance with NAC 385B, 212; C) He cannot apply for or have any other type of membership in the Association until the next time the Board aligns the school in a league in accordance with NAC 385B, 250 after having granted the associated membership to the school. NAC 385B, 210 Limited membership application; approval of limited membership; authority of the high school with such membership. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 212 Amount and payment of annual membership fees; taxation and amount of the special fee.

(NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 214 Withdrawal and Reestablishment of Membership. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 216 Revocation of membership in an affiliated school. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 220 Responsibility to the association; delegation of authority; approval of interschool activity. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 224 Submission of the information required to publish the school directory.

(NRS 385B, 060) The principal of each member school shall submit to the Executive Director, no later than June 15 of each year, on a form provided by the Association, any school-related information required by the Executive Director to publish a school directory for the Association. Such information includes, without limitation, the name and telephone number of the director and the name and telephone number of each coach of a sanctioned sport at the school. NAC 385B, 226 Supervision of the team or group; the member school is responsible for the actions of the members. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 230 Appointment of members of the administrative organization; election of officials.

(NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 234 Regular and Special Meetings. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 240 Board selection and liaison functions; annual meetings. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 250 General Requirements; period of validity; considerations; application of a student or team to participate in another classification, league, or region. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 252 Presentation by the school of the alignment recommendation.

(NRS 385B, 060) Each school that participates in a class in accordance with NAC 385B, 250 may, on or before September 1 of each year, submit a recommendation to the Board regarding the alignment of a school in a league in accordance with that section. NAC 385B, 254 Classification and Alignment Appeal by School. (NRS 385B, 060, 385B, 090) On or before September 1 of each year, every school that is included in a class and aligned in a league or region in accordance with NAC 385B, 250 may, for any reason specified by the Board, appeal the placement or alignment to the Board in accordance with NAC 385B, 900 to 385B, 924, inclusive. NAC 385B, 300 Schedule events in a way that minimizes waste of school time.

NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 302 Establishing and submitting event calendars; penalty. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 306 Cancellation of a game, contest, or meeting; participation in a game, contest, or meeting after school withdrawal from the Association; penalty. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 308 Competition with certain schools in other states is prohibited. (NRS 385B, 060) A school shall not organize any game, contest, or meeting with any school that is in another state if that school is suspended or prohibited from participating in that state's authorized sports association.

NAC 385B, 312 Provision of sufficient physical training and adequate protective clothing to participants. (NRS 385B, 060), NAC 385B, 316 Safety of the pitch; promotion of sports behavior. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 320 Using cameras and other recording equipment. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 322 The possession, sale, or use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited; compliance.

(NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 330 Prohibition of activities on Sundays; exceptions. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 332 Limitations on student participation during the season and school year; transfer of the student to another sanctioned sport. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 334 Participation of girls in the boys' team and boys in the girls' team. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 338 Student injured in a sport sanctioned and cared for by a healthcare provider.

(NRS 385B, 060), NAC 385B, 340: Students who apply or want to enroll in exchange for favorable conditions or treatment. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 342 The recruitment of students to participate in a sanctioned sport is prohibited; sanctions. (NRS 385B, 060), NAC 385B, 344 Restrictions on requesting or encouraging a potential student to enroll in school; prohibited representation of the sports program; duty of the coach upon receiving certain notification about a potential student. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 350 A team participating in a sanctioned sport is prohibited from participating in a sanctioned sport; approval by the Board in connection with preseason and postseason competition; penalty.

NRS 385B, 060) A) Unless otherwise provided in NAC 385B, 330, restrict the date, time, and venue of an approved game, contest, or star gathering in accordance with subsection 1 to avoid, if possible, any conflict with a sanctioned game, contest, or other sport meeting. NAC 385B, 370 Season period and first day of practice of a sanctioned sport; prohibited and authorized off-season activities related to a sanctioned sport; medical insurance requirement for certain students. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 371 Participation of a student or team in an off-season competition for a sanctioned sport; requirements for approval by the executive director. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 372 Restrictions on participation in off-season activities related to sanctioned sports.

(NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 374 Participation of a student as an amateur in a sanctioned sport. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 376 Participation of a member of the spiritual team or squad in certain activities other than membership; establishing the student's eligibility requirements to participate in a postseason competition. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 378 Maximum number of games, contests or matches during the seasons for sanctioned sports; exemption. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 380: loss of the game, contest or match if the student exceeds the maximum allowed for a sanctioned sport.

(NRS 385B, 060) If, during a school year, a student participates in a sanctioned sport as a member of a team and if, during that school year, he exceeds the total number of games, contests or meetings in which he can participate in the sanctioned sport in accordance with NAC 385B, 378, the team of which the student is a member loses every game, contest or meeting in which he or she participates as a member of the team that takes place after exceeding that number. NAC 385B, 382 Game treatment not completed due to an unforeseeable and unavoidable cause. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 384 tournaments; wrestling; swimming and diving, replacements. NRS 385B, 060) B) Will comply with the provisions of NAC 385B, 426 or 385B, 524 in relation to volleyball or basketball.

NAC 385B, 390 Designation; modification of the roster; insufficient participation; prohibition of boxing. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 400 Practice start date; end of season. (NRS 385B, 060) The Board shall set the date on which a school can begin practicing during a baseball season at least 2 years before the start of the season. Each season ends at the end of the state baseball tournament.

NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 406 Repeating a suspended game. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 408 Determination of the champion team. (NRS 385B, 060) The champion baseball team of each class established in accordance with NAC 385B, 250 must be determined in a manner specified by the Board. NAC 385B, 410 Determination of the local team and choice of the bench for the tournament matches.

(NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 412 Procedure when a tournament is canceled or not completed due to an unforeseeable and uncontrollable cause. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 414 Using training boxes and head protection. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 416 Limitations on thrower participation; penalty. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 418 Rules of Conduct; 10-run rule; period for college youth team games.

(NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 420 Start date of practice; end of season; activities between seasons; games between schools; games. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 422 Schools Alignment Manual; determination of the champion team. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 434 Start date of practice; end of season; games. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 436 Compulsory practice; interscholastic matches.

NRS 385B, 060) A) An interscholastic soccer game, unless the school's soccer team completes at least 8 days of team practice, including at least 3 days of contactless practice according to NAC 385B, 438; or A) An interscholastic soccer game, unless the student completes at least 6 days of team practice, including 3 days of contactless practice in accordance with NAC 385B, 438; or NAC 385B, 438 Contactless Practice. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 440 Schools Alignment Manual; determination of the champion team; play-offs; 45-point clemency rule. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 444 Limitations on Student Participation. (NRS 385B, 060), NAC 385B, 446: Provision of adequate facilities for participants in the play-offs.

(NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 450 Practice start date; end of season; time, date and location of the state tournament. (NRS 385B, 060) The Board shall set the date on which a school can begin practicing during a men's golf season at least 2 years before the start of the season. Each season ends at the end of the men's state golf tournament. The state tournament must be held on the date and time specified by the Board.

The Executive Director and director of each state tournament must, before the start of the state tournament, select the venue for that tournament. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 454 Practice start date; end of season; time, date and location of the state tournament. (NRS 385B, 060) The Board shall set the date on which a school can begin practicing during a women's golf season at least 2 years before the start of the season. Each season ends at the end of the state women's golf tournament, which must be held on the date and time specified by the Board.

The Executive Director and the director of a state tournament must, before the start of the state tournament, select the venue for that tournament. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 458 Start date of practice; end of season; games. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 460 Compulsory practice; matches between schools. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 462 School Alignment Manual; tournaments; determination of the champion team.

(NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 464 Availability of people to provide soccer balls during the game. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 470 Practice start date; end of season. (NRS 385B, 060) The Board shall set the date on which a school can begin practicing during a softball season at least 2 years before the start of the season. Each season ends at the end of the state softball tournament.

NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 476 Repetition of a suspended game. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 478 Determination of the champion team. (NRS 385B, 060) The champion softball team for each class established in accordance with NAC 385B, 250 must be determined in the manner specified by the Board. NAC 385B, 480 Determination of the local team and choice of the bench for the tournament matches.

NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 482 Procedure when a tournament is canceled or not completed due to an unforeseeable and uncontrollable cause. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 486 Using training boxes. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 488 Rules of Conduct; 10-run rule; period for college youth team games. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 520 Start date of practice; end of season; interseason activities; interschool games; conduct of games and games.

NRS 385B, 060) A) A) A match between the team and an alumni association for the school or a group organized in a similar way, the school will include that game in the total number of games or matches in which the team can participate in accordance with the NAC 385B, 378; or the NAC 385B, 522 Game and Match Format; winner of the game in which a junior or first-year college team participates. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 524 Class 1A teams with less than 15 members. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 530 Start date of practice; end of season; regulations; helmet. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 535 Start date of practice; end of season; games.

(NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 537 Compulsory practice; matches between schools. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 539 School Alignment Manual; tournaments; determination of the champion team. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 541 The school must provide adequate facilities for the play-offs; effect of non-compliance. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 550: Compliance with Spirit's Rulebook and applicable regulations; establishment of eligibility requirements; sanction and nature of activities.

(NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 552 Coach Responsibilities; season duration; testing and member selection; interseason activities. (NRS 385B, 060), NAC 385B, 5 rate tests for the fall and winter seasons; separate equipment for performing stunts. NRS 385B, 060) A) Will comply with the provisions of NAC 385B, 376 and NAC 385B, 562 Conduct and reference to competitions and events. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 602 Presentation of the schedule to member schools.

(NRS 385B, 060) As soon as possible after scheduling a state tournament for a sanctioned sport, the Executive Director will submit the state tournament schedule to each member school. NAC 385B, 604 Procedure when canceled or not completed due to an unforeseeable and unavoidable cause. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 606 Eligible Participant Replacement; Notification of Intent to Use an Alternate Team Member. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 610 Determining events for inclusion; location of events within the state.

(NRS 385B, 060) Before each league, regional or state tournament of a sanctioned sport, the Board shall determine each event that must be included in the league, regional or state tournament. The Board shall ensure that every event of a state tournament is held in this state, unless the Board and the league or region for which the Board runs the state tournament agree on a location for the event outside of this state. A) The committee appointed in accordance with NAC 385B, 250; and B) Each league for sanctioned sport established in accordance with NAC 385B, 250; and NAC 385B, 620; establishment of the price of admission; disposition of profits. (NRS 385B, 060) Before each league, regional or state tournament, the Board will set the price of entry to the tournament.

All winnings received from the tournament, after deducting the allowable expenses, must be sent to the Executive Director for use by the Association. (NRS 385B, 060) The Association will retain, after deducting any allowable expenses, all profits received by the organization of a league, regional or state tournament. NAC 385B, 624 Solicitation of spectators for purposes other than admission or related services. (NRS 385B, 060) Unless approved by the Executive Director, no person may, during any play-off match or tournament organized by the Association, request the presence of a spectator at the game or tournament for any purpose other than admission to the game or tournament or for any service related to the game or tournament.

NAC 385B, 630 Prerequisites for scheduling or conducting a state tournament for the Class 1A or 2A region or a regional tournament for a Class 1A or 2A league; the number of participants is required for certain sanctioned sports. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 632 Prerequisites for scheduling or conducting a state tournament for a Class 3A or 4A region or a regional tournament for a Class 3A or 4A league; the number of participants is required for certain sanctioned sports. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 642 Executive Director Determinations. (NRS 385B, 060) The Executive Director shall determine the date, time and place for each play-off game, including how a tiebreaker should be held within a league, regional or state play-off.

NAC 385B, 650 Determination of the number; award of regional and league trophies and medals. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 652 Award of state trophies and medals; purchase of additional medals. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 654 Retail Value Limitation. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 708 Maximum Allowed Student Participation.

NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 710 Limitation and registration of the student's age. NRS 385B, 060) F) An order or decree issued by a court of competent jurisdiction declaring that the primary physical custody of the student has been granted to the parent or legal guardian described in subsection 3 of NAC 385B, 718 with whom the student resides in the new residence; and NAC 385B, 716 Presumption of ineligibility of the student who moves to another school. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 718 Refutation of the presumption of ineligibility of a student moving to another school; period of ineligibility of a student returning to his previous residence; deviation from certain provisions. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 720 Student who moves to another school within the same attendance area or after a change of attendance zone.

(NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 722 Student approved to attend a magnet school or vocational or technical school that offers sanctioned sports. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 724 Student attending a magnet school or a technical or vocational school that does not offer sanctioned sports. (NRS 385B, 060) A student who attends a magnetic school or a technical or vocational school that does not offer a sanctioned sport remains eligible at their school of residence in order to participate in any sanctioned sport that is not offered at the magnetic school or in the vocational or technical school. NAC 385B, 726 Student attending charter school; charter school requirements related to eligibility.

(NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 728 Student assigned to an optional zone school; effect of rezoning the boundaries of certain school districts during the school year. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 730 Students enrolled in a high school located in a community college; student attending high school in accordance with a certain alternative program. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 732 Student attending a private school that does not offer sanctioned sports; suitability requirements for certain students. NRS 385B, 060, 385B, 150) NAC 385B, 736 siblings enrolled in high school and assigned to school in accordance with school district zoning regulations.

(NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 738 foreign exchange students and international students; penalty; termination of eligibility. (NRS 385B, 060), NAC 385B, 740 The practice or participation of the student in any sanctioned sport in more than one school during the season is prohibited; the ban is waived. NRS 385B, 060 (NAC 385B, 744) Exemption from requirements upon request to transfer a student to another school. (NRS 385B, 060, 385B, 090) NAC 385B, 746 Transferring a student from a school that stops offering or does not offer sanctioned sports.

NRS 385B, 060, 385B, 090) NAC 385B, 750 Requirements for students; imposition of stricter requirements by the school. (NRS 385B, 060) In order to participate in a sanctioned sport, the student must meet the academic requirements established in NAC 385B, 750 to 385B, 770, both inclusive. A school may impose stricter academic requirements for participation in a sanctioned sport. (NRS 385B, 060) A student who enrolls in his first semester of the ninth grade at a school is academically eligible to participate in any authorized sport.

(NRS 385B, 060), NAC 385B, 756 Adoption of certain alternative requirements by the school district; continuous review of academic progress. (NRS 385B, 060) Each school district in which a school is located must, before the beginning of each school year, adopt the provisions of NAC 385B, 758, 385B, 760 or 385B, 762 for use by the school district to determine the academic aptitude of each student participating in a sanctioned sport at school. During the period that each of these students participates in a sanctioned sport, the school will continuously review the academic progress of those students in accordance with the provisions of NAC 385B, 758, 385B, 760 or 385B, 762 adopted by the school district in accordance with this section. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 764 Change in the student's recorded grade; doing additional work to improve the student's grade.

(NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 766 Eligible student for special education services. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 770 Incorrect determination of the student's grade; date of eligibility of the ineligible student who is allowed to practice with the equipment. (NRS 385B, 060), NAC 385B, 772 Assistance in interpreting standards related to academic aptitude. (NRS 385B, 060) The Association's office will assist any school in interpreting the Association's regulations related to academic eligibility.

NAC 385B, 776 Attempts to circumvent student eligibility requirements. (NRS 385B, 060), NAC 385B, 784 Penalties for the participation of an ineligible student; appeal for loss or loss of position. (NRS 385B, 060, 385B, 090) NAC 385B, 786 Imposition of sanctions following the participation of a disqualified or ineligible team or student in accordance with a court order; postponement or cancellation of the event. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 790 Minimum amount of practice for a student.

(NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 792 Minimum amount of practice for a team. (NRS 385B, 060) Unless otherwise provided in NAC 385B, 794, each team in a school that participates in a sanctioned sport must, before participating in the sanctioned sport, complete at least 10 days of practice in the sanctioned sport under the direct supervision of a member of the school's coaching staff for that sanctioned sport. (NRS 385B, 060) The provisions of NAC 385B, 790 and 385B, 792 do not apply to students or teams participating in golf or bowling. NAC 385B, 796 Accompaniment of the team or student representing the school; effect of the expulsion of the coach from the match, contest or meeting.

NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 798 Certification and Required Courses. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 800 General Requirements for Student Conduct; Conduct of Others; Penalties for Infringement. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 802 Applicability of certain provisions. (NRS 385B, 060) The provisions of NAC 385B, 802 to 385B, 812, inclusive, apply to every student, coach, administrator, faculty member and sports official who participates in or is assigned to any sanctioned sport.

NAC 385B, 812 Compliance Period; penalties for violation. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 820 Allegations of infractions and violence against a sports official; review of complaints and imposition of sanctions. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 822 Expulsion of the student or coach from a game, contest or meeting. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 824 Prevention and control of incidents and physical altercations when clearing benches; sanctions.

NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 826 Defamatory statements prohibited in the media or through social networks; investigation and imposition of sanctions. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 852 Registration, assignment and use of officials outside the association. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 868 Issuance of passes by league or region; use of the pass. (NRS 385B, 060) Each league or region established in accordance with NAC 385B, 250 may issue a pass to a person to attend a game, contest, or match held during the regular season in which the league or region issues the pass.

The pass does not entitle the person to receive admission to a regional or state play-off. NAC 385B, 874 Rights reserved by the Association; authority of the Board. (NRS 385B, 060) The Association reserves all rights to broadcast any game, contest or match or any league, regional or state tournament by radio, television or the Internet. The Board, or an agent designated by the Board, may grant permission to exercise any of these rights.

NAC 385B, 876 approval is required to broadcast on television, radio, or the Internet. (NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 878 Examination of applications for permission to issue. NRS 385B, 060 (NAC 385B, 882) Approval is required for the agreement that confers the exclusive right of transmission. (NRS 385B, 060) A person will not enter into an agreement that gives them the exclusive right to broadcast on radio or television a league, regional or state tournament in which a right is reserved in accordance with NAC 385B, 874, unless the Board of Directors approves the agreement.

NAC 385B, 884 Issuing a pass to a member of a media outlet that provides coverage. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 900 Appeal of certain determinations by an aggrieved student or school; enforceability of certain provisions. (NRS 385B, 060, 385B, 090) NAC 385B, 908 Appeal filed by a student who is not eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport. NRS 385B, 060, 385B, 090) NAC 385B, 910 Appeal filed by a student adversely affected by an appellate determination of ineligibility.

NRS 385B, 060, 385B, 090) NAC 385B, 920 Preparation and submission of complaints; response; action of the executive director or appointee; appeal of the decision. NRS 385B, 060, 385B, 090) A) The Executive Director in accordance with the provisions of NAC 385B, 920 and NAC 385B, 950 Imposition of sanctions by the Executive Director; certain determinations and sanctions are not subject to appeal. NRS 385B, 060) NAC 385B, 960 Imposition of additional sanctions by the Association or the Executive Director or during the appeal; approval of the suspension by the Board. A school can participate in an activity to obtain money for an off-season competition and deposit all the money earned as a result of that activity into an account maintained by the school or by a bank or other financial institution in this state.

A) Calculated in accordance with the regulations of the school district in which the class is held; and. B) Provide adequate protective clothing to each student specified in paragraph (a), if such clothing is necessary to participate in the sanctioned sport. D) The participation of the student or team in the competition is approved by the school and the school district in which the school is located;. C) The laws and regulations of the state in which the school sponsors or co-sponsors the competition or event.

F) The student or team meets any other requirement imposed by the Executive Director to participate in the competition. C) If the expulsion occurs during the last game, contest or match of a season and the person expelled is a student who is enrolled in twelfth grade, the student must be removed from the game, contest or meeting immediately and will not be able to participate in the first game, contest or scheduled meeting of any other season in which they participate. If a school specified in subsection 1 is located in a school district that has more than one school, the student must transfer to the school that is located closest to the school from which they are transferring in accordance with this section. The use of skateboards, skates and skates by the general public on the property owned by the University of Nevada in Las Vegas is prohibited.

If a spirit squad acts as a group of acrobatics, dances, drills or pompoms and the spirit team is combined with a team of spirits that applaud during an indoor athletics competition in an activity other than a spirit competition, the number of members of the combined spiritual team participating in the ovations or acrobatics at any time must not exceed 20 members. A) Unless otherwise provided in subsection 2, submit to the Association no later than 30 days before the competition or event; and. Every student enrolled in that school who participates in athletics as a sanctioned sport must, if they wish to establish a record of performance in that sanctioned sport during a season, comply with those rules during any athletics meeting in which they participate. B) The Executive Director is authorized, in accordance with any provision of this chapter, to impose a sanction in addition to the penalty specifically set forth in those sections.

A) Encourage each school to authorize each spiritual team in the school to attend or participate in no more than three approved competitions or events during the season for the spiritual team. A) A statement setting out the academic eligibility requirements to participate in a sanctioned sport specified in subsection 2;. Every student enrolled in that school who participates in swimming as a sanctioned sport must, if they wish to establish a record of performance in that sanctioned sport for a season, comply with those rules during any swimming competition in which they participate. .